About us

About MNS


Statutes & Bylaws

The society’s mission is to enhance mental, physical, and social well-being of Mongolian people through innovations in research, education, and policy by:

  • Providing a platform for interdisciplinary interactions to understand nervous systems, including behavior
  • Supporting the establishment of collaborative research programs
  • Translating advances in neuroscience to enhance mental, physical, and social well-being of the population
  • Promote education in the neurosciences to general public to develop teaching concepts that strengthen the personality, collectivism, and creativity of the population
  • Promote other activities that will contribute to the development of neuroscience

Research related to personality development spans a wide spectrum of investigation areas, ranging from molecular mechanisms of early brain development, via cellular and systems neurobiology, neurocognition and behavior including personality, to epistemology, logic, and ethics. The society involves numerous scientists, graduated in Japan, Germany, and USA, working in various departments of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (in particular psychiatry, neurology, physiology, and psychology), most of them in close collaboration with the National Center for Mental Health, National Medical Institute, and Academy of Medicine.

Short term-objectives

  • Setting up the first Neuroscience Lab with state-of-the art technologies including Live Cell Imaging Technology and Electron Microscopy in Mongolia to study (i) Central circuits of feeding and energy regulation, thermoregulation, and cognition; (ii) the effects of stress; (iii) mechanisms underlying obesity, diabetes, neurological, and psychiatric disorders.
  • Completion of validation studies on internationally accepted psychometric tests (CES-D, STAI, SF36, SDQ, WAIS, FFM, TAS20, linguistic methods) and anthropometric tests that enable to facilitate local and collaborative scientific studies in developmental, genetic, clinical, social, and educational fields, provide a research database for social psychology, and enhance clinical early screening activities, nationwide.
  • Introduction to new treatment modalities including mindfulness-based CBT with special emphasis on obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.


Long term objectives

We are aiming to investigate (i) how the neural systems regulate behavior and vary between individuals and ethnicities; (ii) how they change across the life cycle; (iii) why they fail in neurological and psychiatric disorders, and their therapies; (iv) mentality and morality codes of nomadic people of Mongolia.